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File Name:   Learn Social Engineering From Scratch
Content Source:   https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-social-engineering-from-scratch/
Genre / Category:   Premium courses
Price:   $59.99



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Welcome to this comprehensive course on Social Engineering! This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in hacking, it starts with you from scratch and takes you step-by-step to an advanced level. By the end of it you'll be able to hack all major operating systems (windows, Apple Mac OS, Linux and Android) like black-hat hackers and secure yourself from hackers.


This course is highly practical but doesn't neglect the theory, we'll start with basics to teach you how to install the needed software (on Windows, Linux and Apple Mac OS). Then we'll start hacking straight away, you'll learn everything by example, no boring lectures! You will understand the theory behind every attack first and then you'll learn how to use that attack in a practical real life scenario to hack Windows, Linux, Apple Mac OS and Android. So by the end of the course you'll be able to modify these techniques or combine them to come up with more powerful attacks and adopt them to different scenarios and different operating systems.


The course is divided into a number of sections to represent the steps you'd take to successfully hack a target using social engineering.

1. Information Gathering - First you need to know your target, in this section you'll learn how to gather information about your target whether it is a company, a website or just a person. You will learn how to discover anything that is associated with your target such as websites, links, companies, users, emails, phone numbers, friends, social networks accounts, etc. You will also learn how to plot all of this information on a graph and use it to build smart attack strategies.


2. Generating Malware  - Now that you gathered enough information about your target and came up with an attack strategy, the next step is to create custom malware that is attractive to the target. This section will teach you how to create backdoors, keyloggers, credential harvesters and more, these files will work on all operating systems (Windows, Apple Mac OS, Linux and Android). You'll also learn how to enhance these files to make them bypass all anti-virus programs, and make them look and function just like any other file such as an image or a pdf,  or even embed them in legitimate Microsoft Office documents


3. Delivery Methods - Now that you have your custom-made trojan ready, in this section you will learn a number of social engineering techniques to deliver it to the target, you will learn how to create fake websites that look identical to websites the target trusts, send emails that appear like they're send from trusted sources and use fake login pages and fake updates to hack the target. You'll also learn advanced social engineering techniques to lure the target to visit your malicious website without even interacting with them.


4. Post Exploitation In this section you will learn how to interact with the systems you compromised whether they use Windows, Linux, Apple Mac OS or even Android. You’ll learn how to access the file system (read/write/upload/execute), maintain your access, escalate your privileges, spy on the target, use the target computer as a pivot to hack other computers and more! If your target uses Android then you'll also learn how to read their messages, find their location, access their other accounts (such as Whatsapp, Facebook, etc.) and more!

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